Presse // 25. October 2011
Bronze Label of Cluster Management Excellence for BIOKON Int.
Dear Mr Erb,
Further to your participation in the project ”NGPExcellence – Cluster Excellence in the Nordic Countries, Germany and Poland” we, as a partner in the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (, are pleased to award you with the Bronze Label of Cluster Management Excellence.
The Bronze Label forms part of the Quality Label System that is currently developed within the European Cluster Excellence Initiative to create an independent voluntary proof of cluster management excellence that is accepted and recognized all over Europe. The Quality Label will motivate cluster managers to compare with each other and to learn from the best. Benchmarking plays an important role in this respect.
The Quality Label is applicable for all different types of clusters existing all over Europe and will enable cluster managers to demonstrate their excellence towards interested third parties like members, stakeholder and policy makers. The Bronze Label is awarded for two years and can be renewed by participating in a follow-up benchmarking.